BDsoft DeskMaster - ScriptAssistant - Syntax
- In the following, commands are written in CAPITAL letters. In actual scripts, there is no distinction between upper and lower case letters.
- In the following, all parameters are given in lower case. In actual scripts, parameters are processed as typed. Thus upper case and lower case letters may have a meaning in some cases.
- All other texts inside a script are send to the active window as they are.
- Valid for versions: 2018-01-31+
[% comment %]
- Indicates a comment. The content of a comment is ignored and neither processed nor sent.
- Sends the given key code.
- The following key codes are available: Add, Alt, Back, Cancel, Caps, Clear, Ctrl, Decimal, Del, Divide, Down, End, Enter, Esc, Execute, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18, F19, F20, F21, F22, F23, F24, Help, Home, Ins, LButton, Left, MButton, Multiply, Next, NumLock, NumPad0, NumPad1, NumPad2, NumPad3, NumPad4, NumPad5, NumPad6, NumPad7, NumPad8, NumPad9, Pause, Print, Prior, RButton, Right, Scroll, Select, Separator, Shift, SnapShot, Space, Subtract, Tab, Up
- Activates the ALT key for the following letter.
- Performs a "beep".
- Sends a mouse click at the current mouse position.
- Inserts the value of the loop counter at the current position (also see the LOOP command).
- Activates the CTRL key for the following letter.
- Inserts the current date.
- Sends a double click at the current mouse position.
[DELAY ms]
- Sets the delay between sent key commands (delay given in milliseconds).
- Sends a "left mouse button down" event at the current mouse position.
[LOOP x] ... [/LOOP]
- Defines a loop section that is executed x times.
- Sends a "middle mouse button down" event at the current mouse position.
[MENU keys]
- Activates a menu and sends the given keys (e.g. [MENU fc] to select "File" and "Close")
[MESSAGE text]
- Displays a message with the given "text" on the screen.
[MOVE x, y]
- Moves the mouse cursor to the given screen position x, y (x = horizontal, y = vertical).
- Sends a "right mouse button down" event at the current mouse position..
[RUN filename]
- Executes the file with the given filename. The filename usually has to include the complete path, however in some situations it is sufficient to only enter the pure filename, e.g. "winword.exe".
[SELECT x1, y1, x2, y2]
- Selects a rectangle with the given screen coordinates x1, y1 for the upper left and x2, y2 for the lower right corner.
- Activates the shift key for the next letter.
[SLEEP ms]
- Sends the script to sleep (pause) for the given number of milliseconds.
- Synchronizes with the main thread of the BDsoft DeskMaster.
- Inserts the current time.
[WAIT_CLOSE windowcaption]
- Pauses the script until the window with the given caption does not exist anymore.
[WAIT_UNTIL date_and_time]
- Pauses the script until the given date and time (use ISO format, e.g. 2015-09-27 15:12:34) is reached or the user actively continues it.
- Pauses the script until the user actively continues it.
[WAIT_WINDOW windowcaption]
- Pauses the script until a window with the given caption exists.
[WINDOW windowcaption]
- Selects the window with the given caption. It may be sufficient to only specify the beginning of the window caption.
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